TEDÜ AERO Defense Industry Seminar

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A seminar about the Aviation industry was organized by the TEDU AERO community of TED University. The seminar, which took place on September 19, 2024 in the Ahmet Ersan Conference Hall, lasted approximately 1.30 hours. The Defense Industry Seminar was not only limited to information transfer, but also contributed to the creation of an important network by providing an interactive environment among the participants. During the event, Gökhan Tursun, Hayri Durmaz, Hasan Mert, who are active in the field, asked a lot of questions about TAI, which has an important role in the defense industry. Answered by Yalçınkaya and Hasan Canal. It was also a great experience to see 3 of our TED graduates among us again in this seminar. Once again, we would like to thank our valued guests who made this conference possible.